This list is subject to change by the establishment or local ordinances. Some shops only allow dogs in the outdoor seating areas so please check with the coffee shop before visiting with your dog.

Name of EstablishmentWebsiteCityState
Carpe Diem Coffe & Tea Company
BuzzCatz Coffee & Sweets BeachAL
Coyote Coffee Cafe
Boss Coffee
Prest Coffee & Juice
Desert Eagle Coffee
Coffee Republic
Catalina Coffee & Cafe BeachCA
Carmel Coffee
Brew Coffee & Beer House RosaCA
Coffee Sourcehttp://www.mycoffeesource.comStudio CityCA
Better Buzz Coffee
Black Dog Coffeehttps://www.blackdogcoffee.comLos AngelesCA
Coffee Factory ClaraCA
10 Speed Coffeehttp://10speedcoffee.comCalabasasCA
Crown Point Coffee DiegoCA
Coral Tree Cafe - Brentwood location
Depoe Bay Coffee
The Coffee Roasterhttp://thecoffeeroaster.netSherman OaksCA
Augies Coffee
Beantrees Drive-thru Coffee Cafe CollinsCO
Agia Sophia Coffee Shop SpringsCO
Alley Cathttp://www.alleycatcoffeehouse.comFort CollinsCO
Cuppy's Coffee CollinsCO
Amavida Coffee Seaside Cafehttp://amavida.comSeasideFL
Cozee Cafe MaryFL
Catalina Cafe: Power Plant Cafe and Garages on Gaines locations only FL
Crema Gourmet BeachFL
Calusa Coffee LauderdaleFL
Parrot Coffee Delihttp://parrotcoffeedeli.comHollywoodFL
Bold Bean Coffee
The B'towne Coffee Company
Axum Coffee GardenFL
Aurora Coffeehttp://auroracoffee.comAtlantaGA
Blue Donkey Coffee (Piedmont Park)http://www.bluedonkeycoffee.comFayettevilleGA
45 South Cafe & Coffee Househttp://www.45southcafe.comNorcrossGA
Cream and Shuga
Condesa Coffee GA
Big City Coffee & Cafehttp://www.bigcityboise.comBoiseID
The Coffee & Tea Exchange
The Attic & Coffee Mill Cafe https://www.atticmadison.comMadisonIN
Smokey's Beanhttp://www.smokeysbean.comLouisvilleKY
Atlantic No5http://www.atlanticno5.comLouisvilleKY
Sungergos Coffee - Preston Street locationhttp://www.sunergoscoffee.comLouisvilleKY
Heine Brothers' Coffee
(Not all locations - check before you go)
Safai Coffeehttp://www.safaicoffee.comLouisvilleKY
Cedar Grove Coffee House
Common Grounds Coffee House and Cafe GretnaLA
Barrington Coffee Roasting Company
Ceremony Coffee - Vernon location only
Water Street Coffee Jointhttp://waterstreetcoffeeroaster.comKalamazooMI
Diamonds Coffee Shoppe
Crows Coffee CityMO
Blueprint Coffee https://blueprintcoffee.comSaint LouisMO
Buggy Town Coffee
Benelux Coffee
Creek Coffee House
Coppa Coffee and Tea
Bean Traders Coffee
Avery's Coffee VegasNV
Prodigy Coffeehttp://www.prodigycoffee.comNew YorkNY
Saratoga Coffee Traders SpringsNY
Boston Stoker Coffee Company
College Hill Coffee Company OH
Coffee Emporium - East Hyde Park Location
The Coffee House on Cherry Street Neighborhood Bakery
Blue Kangaroo Coffee Roastershttp://www.bluekangaroocoffee.comPortlandOR
Coffee Cottage
Caravan Coffee
The Coffee Tree
Devon Donut & Bagel
Bluff City Coffee & Bakeryhttp://www.bluffcitycoffee.comMemphisTN
Coffee House Cafe
Union Coffeehttp://www.uniondallas.netDallasTX
Civil Goat Coffee
Boomtown Coffee
Cliffside Coffee @ 45th & Teckla
Crooked Tree Coffeehouse
Coco Crepes
Bennu 24-hour Coffee Lounge
Beans & Brews Coffee Househttp://www.beansandbrews.comSalt Lake CityUT
ATTICUS Coffee & Teahousehttp://www.atticustea.comPark CityUT
Caffe Ibis
Alchemy Coffeehttp://www.alchemycoffeerva.comRichmondVA
Broadcast Coffee
Cosmonaut Coffee
Compadre Coffee WA
Colectivo Coffee - Lakefront location
Deeper Roots Coffee - Oakley Coffee Bar

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